Concon Yuzawa is the first share house in Yuzawa.
We offer stays from as short as one month!

Concon Yuzawa is a great location for those starting on their journey.
Yuzawa’s very first share house is within a 5-minute walk of Echigo Yuzawa Station, a convenience store, a supermarket, a drug store, as well as the local shopping district.
The Share House is right next to a covered arcade so you can easily move around comfortably on rainy, snowy or hot summer days.

Yuzawa is a small town surrounded by nature, if you travel 10 minutes in any direction you can have a quick dip in the river, ski, or go for a hike.
The great thing about Yuzawa is that because everything is so close, you can enjoy a swim in the local rivier before work, or snowboard once you clock off.
What you can do changes depending on the season, so you may come across new hobbies every time you travel!

In addition to this, Yuzawa Town is located close to not only nature but also the city.
From Echigo Yuzawa Station, it takes 1.5 hours on the Shinkansen to Tokyo direct, and 45 minutes to Niigata City. You can easily travel without traffic.
You can even enjoy a drink in Tokyo until the last train and still make it home to Yuzawa to sleep.

And most of all, the food! Yuzawa is famour for delicious rice, sake, unique Niigata beer, fish, meat, vegetables, wild plants and mushrooms!

Surprisingly, the sea is so close that Yuzawa receives fresh and delicious fish from the Sea of Japan.

Every season brings something new and interesting each time! ^^

Please come and experience Concon Yuzawa yourself.
All the staff will support you on your new journey!
Please feel free to contact us. ^^

Address: 3-4-7 Yuzawa, Yuzawa, Minami Uonuma District, Niigata Prefecture 949-6101